What is the Empowered Voice?
The Empowered Voice is a Movement Empowering the Voice of Survivors!
A strong force for the empowerment of women who have been silent for years and are reclaiming who they are at the core.
Women who are stepping up and stepping out – women who finally feel they can speak up and speak out.
We are a force to be reckoned with!
We are Seen and We are Heard!

What is the Empowered Voice Traveling Exhibit and Symposium?
A public exhibit of art, movement and verbal expression by survivors of sexual assault.
Stories of Hope and Healing
Live and video performances of movement, music, art and stories from around the country.
The traveling exhibit is meant to expand public awareness around sexual assault in an effort to eliminate sexual assault in our lifetime while creating a safe space for survivors to be seen and heard.
The inaugural EMPOWERed VOICE Traveling Exhibit launched April 5, 2019 in Carbondale Colorado, during Sexual Assault and Awareness month. Included was a public exhibit of art, movement, and verbal expression by survivors of sexual assault.
Live and video performances of healing movement, music, art and stories from around the country were shared. Surprising us were three spontaneous shares from women who previously had said they weren’t ready.
The traveling exhibit is meant to expand public awareness around sexual assault in an effort to eliminate sexual assault in our lifetime while creating a safe space for survivors to be seen and heard.
It was followed by an exhibit of the art and a short workshop at Redefined 2019: A Day of Healing, on April 27,2019.
What’s Happening?
We’ve Taken the Exhibit Online
With the advent of Covid-19 the likelihood of traveling in the year 2020 looks pretty slim.
Therefore, I’m excited to announce that the Empowered Voice Traveling Art Exhibit is going online. I’ve created an interactive e-Zine, “Voices Heard” that incorporates all the art, performances, and post exhibit interviews with the artists involved.
The inaugural issue of Voices Heard begins with sharing stories of hope and healing through expressive art.
It explores the lives of the first survivors to venture out and speak up at the inaugural Empowered Voice Traveling Exhibit in April of 2019. They share their stories through art, movement, video, audio, poetry and personal story.
Why Interactive?
The joy and power of an interactive e-Zine is that you can explore to your heart’s content. Simply click on an image or live text to read or see more in depth.
Listen to authors’ sharing their stories on audio and video. Explore video and see the glory of story through movement. Enjoy additional art or click on an artist’s photo to get insights about that person or an image to peruse through additional art from that artist. You can even buy a print if you fall in love.
This is only the beginning. With themed quarterly stories, information and LIVE Online artshows, the sky’s the limit. Be the first to get the latest information. Sign up for our email below. Or, join us on Facebook, and Instagram for updates.
Oh what fun!